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Technical Guides Koi Fish Farming

Diposting oleh Unknown

By: alamtani.com

Technical guides koi fish farming
Koi fish is a type of carp or carp, Cyprinus Caprio scientific name. This fish resulting from cross-breeding of various kinds of goldfish. Koi fish popularized by the Japanese. Many versions which explains the origin of koi fish.
In Indonesia, koi became popular since the 1960s. At that time, President Sukarno was rewarded with a wide variety of koi fish by Chinese leaders. Then the President gave the fish to the fish farmers in Batu, East Java, to be bred. This seed became the forerunner of the development of local koi.
Although the quality of the local koi still underestimated, the development of the koi fish farming continues to grow. Koi fish farming is well developed in the area of ​​Blitar, East Java. From time to time, local koi fish are increasing in quality. Increasingly open market share for the farmers with more expensive imported koi. Local koi fish become more competitive in terms of price.
Raising koi is quite easy to do. Its phases is almost equal to the cultivation of carp. It's just that becomes crucial is the availability of quality seeds. This time alamtani discuss the steps koi fish farming.
Selecting sires for koi fish farming
Selecting sires plays an important role in the cultivation of koi fish. Good breeders will produce offspring genetically nice, so generally legal approx. Quality breeders are usually owned by breeders or hobbyists. When trouble finding good breeders, with jalam can borrow from the hobbyist.
Koi fish hobbyists usually collect quality, both for itself and for the contest maintained. But the average hobbyist does not have the skills or time to marry the fish. In fact, to keep the fish stay fit one of them should be mated when the time came.
Here farmers can work with fish owners. Where the owners benefit because the fish can be mated and farmers can get quality offspring. In return, usually the owner are welcome to choose one or two fish the marriage.

In addition to heredity or genetic trait, koi breeders candidate must have the following characteristics:
Age of fish was old enough, more than 2 years
Have the same type or close to, for example Kohaku by Kohaku
Ideal body shape, from above looks like a torpedo
Berengang style calm and balanced
Brilliant color and contrast
Healthy, agile movement is not silent on the bottom of the pool.
Breeding males and females had mature gonads
Technical guides koi fish farming
Maintenance breeding koi fish
We recommend prospective breeders koi fish kept in a special pool. The depth of the pool at least 150 cm, the deeper the better. Density ponds should also be considered, pond measuring 4 × 5 meter filled up to 20 fish breeders breeding females or 40 males tail. This is because breeding females are usually larger than the male parent.
Breeding females and males maintained a different pond, when spawning broodstock benefits that should not have Pemberokan again. In general, the maintenance of an equivalent to the maintenance of broodstock rearing ponds.
Feed given in the form of pellets was 8 mm, the assumption koi fish older than 2 years already measuring at least 60 cm. The amount of feed given about 3-5% of its body weight in one day. Feeding frequency of 2-4 times.
Koi fish spawning
a. spawning
Spawning ponds should be made ​​of cement and plaster surface. This is to keep the fish scales are not damaged when friction occurs when the spawning process. Pool size varied, usually about 3 × 6 meters with a depth of 60 cm and a height of 40 cm water.
Pool should have channels in and out. In the two lines should be installed fine sieve. The goal is that no pests penganggu that goes into the pond and spawning eggs or larvae results do not drift out of the pool.
Prior to the water content, the pool must be dried and dried first. Point to break the cycle of pests that may be present in the pool. The water used to fill the pond should be deposited in advance for 24 hours.
Koi fish happy attach their eggs to the existing media in the pool. Therefore, provide kakaban made ​​from plant fibers or can take advantage of the water. To enrich the oxygen levels in the pond aerotor spawning pairs.
b. spawning process
After spawning pond is ready, enter the koi fish breeding females first. Spawning usually takes place the evening, so that the mother could be included in the afternoon. Let the breeding females adapt to the conditions of the pool so as not to stress.
After 2 to 3 hours, the male parent can be released in the spawning pond. The number of male breeders who put 3 to 5 tails. This is to avoid failure in spawning and all eggs are removed can be fertilized female broodstock. Actually, they can use only one male when the male size is large enough. However, a higher risk of failure.
Spawning usually takes place around 11 o'clock at night until early morning before sunrise. During that time there will be action romp, where the females will inject their eggs on kakaban. After the eggs stick to the male breeders will squirt his sperm to fertilize the egg.
After spawning is completed, immediately lift the sires of sires-spawning pond. If left in a pool induka feared to take the eggs. Allow the eggs to hatch in the pools.
c. hatching larvae
The eggs are attached to the kakaban or water plants should be submerged in water. Therefore, given a weight on kakaban. In normal circumstances, the temperature around 27-30 degrees Celsius, the eggs will hatch within 48 hours. If the water temperature is too cold for longer will hatch. If too hot the eggs may rot.
After the eggs hatch kakaban or water plants can be removed. The newly hatched larvae are still storing food supply that can last up to 3-5 days. When food supplies are already depleted fish fry began to require feed koi.
Food that can be given at the age of 5 days is fry an egg yolk that has been boiled. The yolk then crushed and mixed with water. Consider feeding should not be excessive and contaminate the pool water. If there is residual feed immediately cleared.
Some breeders do not recommend feeding egg yolk as it is easy to make a dirty pond and cause mass death. Actually most desirable seed is a live feed. Therefore, it can be given water fleas (daphnia moina or) that has been filtered. Filtering is done by seed tick size of 1 cm.
When you have a larger infestation can be given that is not filtered or shrimp Artemia. Silk worms can be given if the seed has reached the size of 1.5 cm. The feeding lasted until 3 weeks old fry. After that, the fish were transferred to the pond.
d. separating
The pond is a pond for koi fish maintain up to 3 months old. At this age are usually the size of a koi fish has reached 15 cm. 3 × 4 size pool with a depth of 40 cm can accommodate 250-300 children koi fish tail.
In this phase, the pellets can be given as fish feed. Give small pellet-sized 250 micron. One ounce of pellets enough for 1000 koi fish. Feed Pemeberian done 2 times a day. To give the color form the occasional silk worms or shrimp Artemia.
After 3-month-old juveniles, can be given the appropriate dose of coarse pellets. Give up fish pellets satiety. If within 5 minutes of feed eaten and not left in the pond is full of fish means. Giving pellets performed 2-3 times a day.
Sorting koi fish
Sorting koi fish farming
Sorting is useful for determining the price level. Of course quality koi fish valued higher. Sorting the koi fish farming can be done from 1-month-old fish. At the age of fish tersbeut strong enough to be moved. Or if you want to be safe, do it after the 3-month-old fish.
Factors sorting based on body size, shape and color quality. Koi fish are classified by size, small with small and large size with large.
While the shape of the divided body shape is not good. Great body shape should be proportionate. Rounded body like a bullet is not too long. Symmetrical fins and quiet but steady movement.
Sorting also was done on fish that bright colors and have a clear boundary line. Koi has a good contrasting color boundaries. There is no gradation of color on its boundaries. For further selection there are international standards of quality based on its type of koi fish.

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